
English amharic dictionary free download pdf
English amharic dictionary free download pdf

english amharic dictionary free download pdf

To find a French definition of that word, visit the equivalent page in the French Wiktionary. For example, see the entry for the French word dictionnaire. This is the English-language Wiktionary, where words from all languages are defined in English.

english amharic dictionary free download pdf

( uncountable, figuratively ) ( Violent) disagreement conflict.( countable ) A sound of clashing or colliding a clattering, a rattling.( countable, also figuratively ) A rapid or uncontrolled movement a dash, a rush.( countable ) An act of colliding with or hitting a collision.( figuratively ) Of two people, etc.: to meet in a shocking or violent encounter to clash to jostle.To make a sound of things clashing or colliding together to clatter, to rattle hence, to move with such a sound.Of a person or thing: to collide with or hit another person or thing, especially with force or violence also, of two people or things: to collide together to clash.To move rapidly, violently, or without control, especially in a noisy manner.( figuratively ) To attack or criticize (someone) verbally or in writing.

english amharic dictionary free download pdf

To cause (someone or something) to collide with or hit another person or thing or ( two people or things) to collide with or hit each other. Our digital library saves in compound countries, allowing you to get the most less latency times to download any of our books subsequent to this one.To propel or throw (something) hard or violently to fling, to hurl.

English amharic dictionary free download pdf